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Investment Accelerator Programme (IAP) Info Session


Date and Time:
April 11, 2024, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
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Event Category
Date and Time:
April 11, 2024, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
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Event Category
Date and Time:
April 11, 2024, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
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Get a chance to speak with our team in an online information session to learn more about WMI’s Investment Accelerator Programme (IAP). We are happy to offer an overview of the programme and answer any enquiries you may have about IAP in this one-hour virtual session.


The programme provides fundamental knowledge in investments and asset management, enhancing participants’ prospects for careers in finance.


Key features of the programme:


1. Investment Accelerator Programme (IAP): IAP consists of 4 modules of 5 hours of self-paced eLearning (total 20 hours) to provide learners with an understanding of the investment management landscape, the impact of global macro cycles on investment performance, financial statements from an investor’s lens, and building an investment portfolio for the long-term.


2. Industry-recognised Credentials: The curriculum was developed in close collaboration with a team of industry experts in asset and wealth management and mapped to the Skills Framework for Financial Services (SFwFS) jointly developed by MAS, IBF, SkillsFuture Singapore, Workforce Singapore and industry.  The CFI is accredited by IBF under the SFwFS.


3. Industry Networking and Career Talks with Leading Financial Institutions:  Participants of IAP will be invited to networking events which WMI will conduct in collaboration with leading financial institutions to expose students to attractive career opportunities in the sector.


4. Career Advisory Services with The Institute of Banking and Finance: Graduates from the IAP may tap on career advisory services by The Institute of Banking and Finance.


5. IBF Standards Training Scheme (IBF-STS): Singaporeans and Permanent Residents (below 40 years old), and physically based in Singapore will enjoy funding subsidy of 50% upon successful completion of the programme.


6. WMI Concessionary Rates and Study Awards: To make IAP accessible to the university students and recent graduates, a concessionary course fee of $1,199 (including GST) will be applicable instead of the standard fee of $2,616. In addition, students with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and above (on track for honours or equivalent) will qualify for WMI Study Award of $450 upon successful completion. Together with IBF funding support and WMI Study Award, the nett fee payable by your students will be only $199.


Get ready to embark on an exciting finance and investment management career! Fill out the form below to register for the virtual information session on 11 April 2024 (you will receive the zoom link via email).