The course navigates through key facets, starting with the identification of carbon-related goals and voluntary and compliance markets. Participants will uncover opportunities for financial institutions and delve into the latest market developments and pricing mechanisms, aligning strategies with organisational goals.
The course goes further to examine the policy landscape, offering a thorough understanding of prominent commitments shaping carbon markets. It also delves into the intricacies of carbon credits, including their definition and key attributes. Participants will acquire proficiency in greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting principles and gain valuable insights into global carbon markets.
Through this course, participants will be equipped to provide clients with expert advice on developing strategies through strategic financial planning and efficient capital allocation.
- Articulate key climate-related policy concepts and recognise prominent government and corporate commitments propelling carbon markets.
- Define carbon credits, discern their various attributes, and evaluate qualities, fostering a keen understanding of their applications.
- Implement greenhouse gas accounting approaches and principles tailored for financial institutions, ensuring accurate and effective sustainability reporting.
- Differentiate between compliance and voluntary carbon markets, grasp diverse carbon pricing mechanisms and policy considerations.
- Explore mitigation hierarchy approaches and understand global carbon markets to navigate and engage effectively.